Jim Foran "Unbelievable" Memorial Fund

Donate To This Campaign

Event Details
Contact Joan Willshire
Phone 612-339-4326
Email Address james-foran@comcast.net

It’s getting to be that time of year when we all start thinking about getting outside and playing golf! We are announcing that this year’s Jim Foran “Unbelievable” Golf fundraiser for the Oral Cancer Foundation will be taking a PAUSE this year. We will not be hosting an event in 2017 but ask that you HOLD the date of July 11, 2018, for the next Jim Foran golf event for the Oral Cancer Foundation.

Our personal thanks to all of you as Sponsors. Collectively with our individual donations, we have raised over $64,000 to date that went directly to the Oral Cancer Foundation. Certainly, an accomplishment and one we know that Jim would be very proud of. Now we would still like you to donate to OCF during this 2017 year to keep the Jim Foran golf event a tradition.

Donate To This Campaign

The Oral Cancer FOundation is a national public service, non-profit entity designed to reduce suffering and save lives through prevention, education, research, advocacy, and patient support activities. Oral cancer is the largest group of those cancers which fall into the head and neck cancer category. Your donations have been OCF's source of unrestricted support that impacts every aspect of the foundation's mission. These gifts enable us to respond more rapidly to new ideas in the battle against oral cancer. Your unrestricted gifts are directed to areas of greatest need and greatest promise as determined by the OCF
