In April 2023, I noticed a large lump just to the right-center of my throat.  After a few diagnostics, removal of that lump (enlarged lymph node) and as a result of the biopsy, I was diagnosed with HPV-related Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. What followed was another surgery to remove 30+ lymph nodes, as well as tissue from the back of my throat and tongue.  An additional, very tiny, lymph node was found to be cancerous.  It was located next to the large one that was originally removed.  Following that second surgery, I had thirty treatments of radiation to my head and neck.   My neck burned badly and I lost some hair on the back of my head. While I did lose my sense of taste, anything I did "taste"  (including water) was disgusting.  After a couple weeks of not eating, I was fitted with a feeding tube and took in liquid nourishment through that tube. It was gross, but it was life saving.  On September 15, 2023 my treatment was concluded.  On December 14, 2023 I was declared cancer-free.  Follow-up visits with my surgeon have validated that declaration.  I feel absolutely fabulous now.  The hair on the back of my head has grown in. My sense of taste and taste buds aren't fully recovered, but that is a very small price to pay for good health and good fortune.  
