Score 4 Screenings

Donate To This Campaign

Join us for a FREE event

Save a Smile - Get an Oral Cancer Screening

DATE: Saturday, August 19th 

TIME: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Hillcrest Baptist Church
7673 Collins Rd
Jacksonville FL

Dribble and jump for fun ...and learn about oral cancer and the signs and symptoms. Eva Grayzel, Inspirational Speaker and oral cancer survivor teams up with Karl Tatham, CEO and Founder of Pro-AM JAX and the Florida Lady Knighthawks to bring you a great time for a great cause. Fun facts, giveaways, snacks, and more! 

Donations will fund The Oral Cancer Foundations new endeavor to educate about self-exams for oral cancer. 

Do you know an oral cancer survivor? A special celebration is planned to honor oral cancer survivors. Please donate so we can contact you with updates about the event, and plan for your attendance.

For more information, contact and/or
